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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - stage


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French e~ abode, story of a building, state, from Vulgar Latin *staticum, from Latin stare to standmore at stand  Date: 14th century  1.  a. one of a series of positions or stations one above the other ; step  b. the height of the surface of a river above an arbitrary zero point flood ~  2.  a.  (1) a raised platform  (2) the part of a theater on which the acting takes place and which often includes the wings  (3) the acting profession ; the theater as an occupation or activity  (4) sound~  b. a center of attention or scene of action  3.  a. a scaffold for workmen  b. the small platform of a microscope on which an object is placed for examination  4.  a. a place of rest formerly provided for those traveling by ~coach ; station  b. the distance between two stopping places on a road  c. ~coach  5.  a. a period or step in a progress, activity, or development: as  (1) one of the distinguishable periods of growth and development of a plant or animal the larval ~ of an insect  (2) a period or phase in the course of a disease; also the degree of involvement or severity of a disease  b. one passing through a (specified) ~  6. an element or part of an electronic device (as an amplifier)  7. one of two or more sections of a rocket that have their own fuel and engine  • ~ful noun  • ~like adjective  II. transitive verb  (~d; staging)  Date: 1879  1. to produce (as a play) on a ~  2. to produce or cause to happen for public view or public effect ~ a track meet ~ a hunger strike  3. to determine the phase or severity of (a disease) based on a classification of established symptomatic criteria; also to evaluate (a patient) to determine the phase, severity, or progression of a disease  • ~able adjective  III. adjective  Date: 1824 intended to represent a type or stereotype a ~ Irishman a ~ French accent
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  n. & v. --n. 1 a point or period in a process or development (reached a critical stage; is in the larval stage). 2 a a raised floor or platform, esp. one on which plays etc. are performed before an audience. b (prec. by the) the acting or theatrical profession, dramatic art or literature, the drama. c the scene of action (the stage of politics). d = landing-stage. 3 a a regular stopping-place on a route. b the distance between two stopping-places. c Brit. = fare-stage. 4 Astronaut. a section of a rocket with a separate engine, jettisoned when its propellant is exhausted. 5 Geol. a range of strata forming a subdivision of a series. 6 Electronics a single amplifying transistor or valve with the associated equipment. 7 the surface on which an object is placed for inspection through a microscope. --v.tr. 1 present (a play etc.) on stage. 2 arrange the occurrence of (staged a demonstration; staged a comeback). Phrases and idioms go on the stage become an actor. hold the stage dominate a conversation etc. stage direction an instruction in the text of a play as to the movement, position, tone, etc., of an actor, or sound effects etc. stage door an actors' and workmen's entrance from the street to a theatre behind the stage. stage effect 1 an effect produced in acting or on the stage. 2 an artificial or theatrical effect produced in real life. stage fright nervousness on facing an audience esp. for the first time. stage-hand a person handling scenery etc. during a performance on stage. stage left (or right) on the left (or right) side of the stage, facing the audience. stage-manage 1 be the stage-manager of. 2 arrange and control for effect. stage-management the job or craft of a stage-manager. stage-manager the person responsible for lighting and other mechanical arrangements for a play etc. stage name a name assumed for professional purposes by an actor. stage play a play performed on stage rather than broadcast etc. stage rights exclusive rights to perform a particular play. stage-struck filled with an inordinate desire to go on...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) помост; платформа; площадка; подмости 2) горн. подвесной полок 3) этаж (здания) 4) ярус 5) стеллаж 6) этап; стадия; период; фаза; очередь (строительства) 7) каскад; ступень 8) тарелка (ректификационной колонны) 9) отрезок маршрута; ж.-д. перегон 10) ракетная ступень; ракетный блок; отсек 11) кинопавильон 12) предметный столик (микроскопа) 13) координатный стол 14) полигр. травить (клише) с выкрыванием; выкрывать, корректировать (копию) - stage of depletion - A-stage - adaptor stage - all-cryogenic stage - all-reusable stage - axial stage - axial flow compressor stage - ballistic stage - blue-print stage - brick-layer's stage - buffer stage - C-stage - carbonization stage - central core stage - centrifugal compressor stage - centripetal compressor stage - char-forming stage - CNC postprocessor stage - commercial prototype stage - completed veneer stage - compressor stage - conceptual stage - core stage - design stage - development stage - differential stage - double-ended stage - drive stage - driver stage - electrochemical stage - electrode stage - equilibrium stage - equipping stage - expendable stage - experimental stage - extraction stage - fabricable stage - final stage - flood stage - flood-crest stage - fully reusable stage - furnace stage - groundwater stage - growth stage - impulse stage - indexing stage - input stage - intermediate stage - killer stage - landing stage - liquid stage - low stage - mixed flow compressor stage - neck stage - object stage - output stage - partial stage - partially reusable stage - pilot stage - planning stage - plastic stage - postpressing stage - prepressing stage - preselector stage - pressure stage - production stage - prototype stage - reaction stage - research stage - return stage...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  стадия, этап, период, фаза сцена станция; остановка (рабочая) платформа отметка водной поверхности, уровень воды stages of building compression stage conceptual stage concreting stage conjugate stages corresponding stages crest stage design stage of the project detailed design stage dumping stage early stage of the project erecting stage final stage flood stage high pressure stage landing stage lock-up stage low pressure stage low-water stage normal stage operating stage outline design stage pressure stage rotary stage swinging stage working stage ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) каскад 2) ступень, фаза – stage of selection – amplification stage – balancing stage – control stage – dc inserter stage – dead-end stage – detection stage – differential stage – direct channel stage – double-step stage – driver stage – first-audio stage – group stage – high-frequency stage – input stage – incoming group stage – intermediate-frequency stage – inverse stage – line sweep stage – mixing stage – modulator stage – MOSFET output stage – multiplying stage – neutralized radio-frequency stage – outgoing group stage – output stage – parallel stage – power stage – power amplifier stage – preamplification stage – preselector stage – preterminal stage – quiet input stage – register stage – register selection stage – resistor gain stage – resonance stage – scanning stage – single-ended stage – single-step stage – space switching stage – subscriber selection stage – switch stage – terminal stage – time-switching stage – unbalanced stage ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) констр. захватка 2) каскад 3) павильонный 4) платформа 5) помост 6) стадиальный 7) стадия 8) стеллажный 9) ступень 10) ступень ракеты 11) тарелка 12) фаза 13) шаг 14) этап 15) ярус incipient stage of fire — зарождающийся пожар pulp beating stage — размол бумажной массы stage chamber pump — секционный насос stage gross seight — космонавт. вес заправленной ступени stage has burned out — ступень отработала universal stage microscope — универсальный микроскоп - I-F stage - amplifier stage - buffer stage - complex stage - double-tuned stage - drawing-board stage - driving stage - engineering stage - final stage - furnace stage - geologic stage - impulse stage - initial stage - input stage - live stage - microscopic stage - motion-picture stage - output stage - power-amplifier stage - push-pull stage - reaction stage - selection stage - separating stage - sound stage - stage censoring - stage delay - stage flotation - stage heating - stage of counter - stage of iteration - stage of register - stage of regulation - stage of sampling - stage separates - stage separation - stage shooting ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  фаза, период, стадия – competitive stage – pioneering stage – retentive stage STAGE сущ. 1) фаза, период, стадия, ступень 2) часть • - design stage - keep smth at the stage - preliminary stage - processing stage Syn: phase, generation, interval, grade, degree ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) стадия; период; фаза; этап 2) столик (микроскопа) – stage of latency – adult stage – ascigerous stage – assimilating stage – basidial stage – blooming stage – booting stage – bud stage – conidial stage – dead-ripe stage – developmental stage – division stage – dormant stage – dough stage – embryonal stage – excitement stage – fixed stage – flowering stage – fruiting stage – fruit ripening stage – germination stage – gonidial stage – growth stage – heading stage – herbaceous stage – incubative stage – larval stage – leafing stage – light stage – maturity stage – milk stage – multiplicative stage – palmelloid stage – paniculation stage – pegging stage – phenological stage – pioneer stage – postconception stage – preconceptive stage – pupal stage – quiescent stage – ripeness stage – seadling stage – seral stage – shooting stage – tillering stage – vegetative stage – vernalization stage – warm stage – wax stage ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  whisper  1) театральный шепот  2) слова, предназначенные не тому, к кому они обращены STAGE  1. noun  1) подмости, помост; платформа; hanging stage - люлька (для маляров)  2) сцена, эстрада, театральные подмостки  3) (the stage) театр, драматическое искусство, профессия актера; to be on the stage - быть актером; to quit the stage - уйти со сцены; fig. умереть  4) арена, поприще; место действия  5) фаза, стадия, период, этап, ступень; initial (final) stage - начальная (конечная) стадия  6) перегон; остановка, станция  7) = stage-coach  8) electr. каскад  9) предметный столик (микроскопа)  10) ступень (многоступенчатой ракеты)  11) attr. сценический, театральный by easy stages - не спеша, с перерывами  2. v.  1) ставить (пьесу); инсценировать  2) быть сценичным; the play stages well - эта пьеса сценична  3) организовывать, осуществлять; to stage a demonstration - устроить демонстрацию STAGE right исключительное право театра на постановку пьесы STAGE manager режиссер STAGE direction  1) сценическая ремарка  2) режиссерское искусство  3) режиссура STAGE director режиссер, постановщик STAGE door служебный вход в театр STAGE effect сценический эффект STAGE fever непреодолимое влечение к сцене STAGE fright волнение перед выходом на сцену; страх перед аудиторией ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 »TIME/STATE« a particular time or state that something reaches as it grows or develops  (The plan is still in its early stages. | the different stages of a child's development | at this stage)  (It would be unwise to comment at this stage of the negotiations. | stage by stage (=gradually) | at a later stage)  (The design may well be modified at a later stage.)  (- compare phase1 (1), step1 (4)) 2 »THEATRE« the raised floor in a theatre on which plays are performed  (on stage)  (She is on stage for most of the play. | stage left/right (=from the left or right side of the stage)) 3 acting the stage acting as a profession  (go on the stage (=become an actor)) 4 take centre stage/be at the centre of the stage to have everyone's attention, or to be very important  (Sally just loves to take center stage. | The hostage question has returned to the centre of the stage.) 5 »PLACE« a place where something important happens  (Geneva has been the stage for many such conferences. | the European political stage) 6 set the stage for to prepare for something or make something possible  (Will this agreement merely set the stage for another war?) 7 he's/she's going through a stage informal used to say that someone young will soon stop behaving badly or strangely  (- see also landing stage) ~2 v to organize an event that people will come to see, or that you hope many people will notice  (We hope to stage four plays this season. | They'll be staging a Hockney exhibition. | stage a strike/demonstration/sit-in etc)  (School teachers are staging a protest against the cuts.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1250, from O.Fr. estage "a story or floor of a building, stage for performance," from V.L. *staticum "a place for standing," from L. statum, pp. of stare "to stand" (see stand). Sense of "period of development or time in life" first recorded 1608. The verb meaning "to put (a play) on the stage" first recorded 1879. Stage-coach is 1658, from the sense of "division of a journey without stopping for rest." Stage mother is from 1919. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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